Our community was formed by a small group previous Shower Down of Blessings Ministry members in 2023. We want to share the joyous word of Jesus Christ and help comprehend the current state of the world through God.
Putting your faith in Him and throwing away judgment are the true ways of gaining inner strength.
We welcome people from all walks of life to join our community since all races and genders are equal in front of Him. As a community, we strive to make a difference in the lives of those around us.
From small gestures of goodwill to fundraising for charities close to our hearts, we get involved in our neighborhoods and give back to the community.
Our Weekly Activities
Worship Services
At The Throne Room of God we have in person services on specific dates as well as virtual. Follow the calendar below to see where and when our worship services are held
Weekly Bible Studies
Held on Zoom, our prayers do not discriminate and are open to all members of the community.
Women's Bible Group
Our Bible reading group meet up every first Tuesday of the month on Zoom at 5:30pm